Please Check back in every month to add your next months orders. Ordering ends on the 23rd of the month prior. If you miss this deadline, your child will have to miss that months Chomp Hot Lunches so mark your calendars.
Please use the same email as last year if your child attended Crystal View. This will bring all outstanding balances forward.
Login Info below. Please READ in full.
Welcome to the Crystal View PAC Lunch & Communication Website. On this site parents will be able to place lunch orders for their children, View the Event Calendar and more...
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience. We encourage you to create a user ID even if you don't plan to place lunch's a great way to stay informed!
To use the system, you will be required to register and provide your name, phone number and email address. This site has an SSL Certificate to provide full security of your personal information, and only the information required to manage the lunch program is required. The volunteer site administrator cannot access your password and you select your own user id.
To register for an account click on the “REGISTER” tab on the main menu bar. This will take you to the registration form to create an account for your family. Each family will have one account and each student at the school will be linked to this account. Once you have created your account you will be able to login and edit your contact information and add additional email addresses to your account.
To register, enter the SCHOOL ACCESS CODECV2024/2025on the upper right side of this page.
Provide other information as required to complete your registration.
Once you have registered, you can immediately LOG IN.
Join our PAC page to connect with the school community
CHOMP Reminders: Covid rules can change so stay up to date.
You can order month to month. Each month ordering will close on the 23nd at 11pm on the month prior (Ex: Dec ordering closes Nov 23nd 11pm). Sept is the only month that is different for ordering since you will only have two weeks to order for October.
Please check the website/calendar for the exact dates.
All payments must be made after selecting your child's menu orders. Unpaid orders get deleted from the system so make sure you have paid immediately.
On Sunday a weekly email reminder is sent to you with Upcoming Events (on our Calander) and your order, please remind your child what they have ordered so that there is no disappointment. (check your junk folder if you aren't getting this)
If you need to cancel your order please let us know more then 1 full week ahead and we will try to accomodate you but if the vender has already been paid then consider donating the meal.
If you'd like to help us on Lunch days we are always looking for helpers. Comment you can come on the weekly Facebook PAC Chomp post, or Email us ahead of time and then you show up to the Gym room at 11:30 on the Lunch day.
Thank you for your support
Questions? - Email
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